Advice and reassurance much needed! Started by: Rhiana

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  • Rhiana

    Hi I am 21 and have been unhappy with my nose for as long as I can remember. Everyone says my nose is fine but I know if I had the surgery done my whole face would look more harmonious and I would be much more confident. My main concerns are 1) the price, I wouldn’t say I am £ worth unhappy with my nose but I would say I was £worth unhappy with my nose (if that makes sense). My 2nd concern is what if it goes wrong? I spend all this money and time and to end up with a funny looking nose! I have seen so many stories of ‘so-and-so’s’ botch nose job and I wouldnt want to become one of them. I have been for my initial consultation and this hasnt actually assisted my decision as I am still so confused, maybe seeing a surgeon would reassure me? Please any advice and help is much appreciated, especially from those who have friends and family telling them to not go through with it, the lack of support around me is unhelpful. Also if anyone would like to see pictures of my nose I am happy to send them privately, not sure I want to post publicly yet. Thanks in advance girls!

    ksmalley 7

    You sound exactly like I did.
    I’ve never liked my nose. Some angles it looks fine and others I hate it. A long story short, after going through all the same questions as you, what if it ends up looking worse? How much money would I want to spend ect I booked my surgery with Dr Andrea G. It doesn’t help at all when people say I’m mad and don’t need it! I’ve taken screen shots of all the pictures I hate so I will keep them with me on the day and remind myself!
    I took one step at a time and thought about how I’d feel if I called it all off.
    I’m mostly really excited but some days I scare myself !!! Keep me posted

    Amy 2

    Hi both. I have just accepted you Rihana so you can see my pics. Lucky I had a lot of support from family and friends but I can completely understand what you are going through. I still found it difficult to talk to people about it in case they just didn’t get it. A lot of people told me I didn’t need it but they were just being polite. Hands down one of the craziest things I have done but the best decision I have ever made and it is worth every penny. I had a lot of work done so the procedure and recovery was tough and I also had a lot of swelling. But j am so happy now and it was all so worth it! You’re in the best hands!! Everyone tells me how natural it looks and how amazing the change is yet it hasn’t changed the look of my face! I freaked out so many times as I wasn’t sure if I as doing the right thing but I hated it so much I pushed myself to do it! Hope this helps feel free to message xx


    Hi Laura, Thanks for uour reply . Ive sent you a friend request so I can send you some pictures in a message.

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