Advise one boob difference shape/bigger than the other Started by: Jade

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  • Jade 4

    My left boob looks bigger & more tear drop where as the right looks round and smaller it’s making me so worried they are going to stay odd has anyone experienced this? is this normal or should I be contacting mya?

    It also feels like one incision was cut higher than the other?

    Has anyone experience this then it’s corrected itself? I’m really panicking ????

    Claudine 196

    How far post op are you? Just to try and put your mind at rest i am 8 days po, on day 6 there was a huge difference (will try and upload a pic) but by the next morning it evened up loads, and today no difference at all xxx

    Claudine 196

    Sorry i cant upload but its on my profile if you want to have a look x

    Alison 12

    @jade I wouldn’t worry atall hun, it’s very very normal that one boob will start to heal alot quicker than the other, the one thats started to drops incision probably looks lower because its changed shape whereas the one you think has the incision higher will just be because its taking more time to drop and heal. I think most people who have had a BA are experiencing one bigger than the other slighty, a little more sore on one side and one healing faster. I honestly wouldnt worry the other will eventually catch up 🙂

    Claudine 196


    Jennyxoxo 3

    @jade omg im having the same problem too. 1 of my boobs look so much bigger and higher than the other. I told the nurse and she said in time it will drop and fluff. It’s just swollen at the moment and she said its normal. But to be honest babe they change shape everyday. Try not to stress too much xx

    Jade 4

    Thanks everyone they’re not as obvious now but you can definitely still see a difference I’m almost at my 6 weeks post op ☹️ Just hope I don’t have to go through it all again to have them evened out xxxxx

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