antibiotics. .. help. Started by: Anete

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  • Anete 4

    Hi girls,
    I’m still trying to contact MYA, but not sure if they’re busy or on break as nobody is picking up the phone. Not even my PC. Am expecting a call from nurse since morning… but meanwhile was wondering if maybe anyone of you experienced same/similar or wouldn’t mind just sharing in advice.
    I’ve had a bit of tummy nightmare on approx. POD 4, so bloated and constipated and so much pain (which I know is all work of co-codamol). Plenty of water and the right diet didn’t do the magic so I took a laxative.. long storry short now I’m at the other end of misery – yep… diarrhea. (Hate the word). The instructions for antibiotics say that one of side effects is also diarrhea. I have taken them for 5 days but not today yet since I wanted to know first, is there any harm if I stpp takin them for the last two days. I’m finally feeling good again and I’m so afraid things could get worse after them..

    Anete 4

    Thank you all in advance xx

    Anete 4

    Ok, I don’t know how to delete this now. I was just contacted by a nurse and she said that antibiotics should be finished and they won’t act on my tummy. Just to let you all know if anyone gets the same problem ever x

    Rhian 34

    I was going to say carry on taking them as you may end up with a nasty infection if you don’t better to be safe than sorry xx

    Jessica 105

    Hey chick, I would complete the course you have been given or it wont be effective xx

    Jessica 105

    Sorry I’ve just seen that you got phone call back. Glad you got it sorted x

    Anete 4

    Thanks for your advice anyway girls 🙂 x

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