anyone have/had to wear a band?! Started by: rachel

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  • rachel 3

    I’ve been told I have to wear a band after surgery?! Has anyone else had to do this. I’ve been told it’s to push the implant down a bit (thinking it’s because I have a long chest I think. Lol)

    parris jade 28

    The band is used for under the muscle placement to stop the implants rising up hun xx

    Holly 18

    I woke up with one on! They might just give you one, so I wouldn’t buy one just yet…
    I’ve been wearing one for 7 days & it’s done wonders. It does restrict your breathing slightly, but it’s fine! x

    Anete 4

    Yes, me too. I woke up with it after surgery and it was so tight I told my surgeon when he came to see me after op and he released it slightly. It’s to do with holding the implant in place and to help with swelling. The nurse was happy to take it off on my 1 week post-op appointment, but she said if I was still swollen I would have to keep it on for another week. I wouldn’t worry about it.. the hospital/ clinic should provide these, I think x

    Rachelellious 28

    I am wearing a band too . Its not too bad i’d rather that than the strapping and it helps your implants drop into place faster ive heard. Mine have already dropped abit and im only 2days post op . So long as you remember to wear it above the implants straight across your chest and not let it slip down its quite comfortable xx

    Clare 7

    I’m also wearing a band (I had teardrop implants under the muscle) and was hoping I might be able to dispense with it soon but I’ve just had my 7 day post op check and been told to wear it for another 5 weeks 🙁 At least I can shower now! x

    Rhian 34

    I had a breast band I also had unders its not to bad you get used to it I’ve been told need to keep mine on for 4 weeks my surgeon said maybe even longer depending on swelling but 4 weeks minimum I also didn’t have to buy mine woke up with it on xx

    rachel 3

    Excellent thank you I just don’t think I’ve seen anyone talk about it and wasn’t sure. I’m having unders 26th may. Getting so excited! I’m guessing I will wake up work one too as I asked if I had to buy one an be she said this would be provided Xx

    Lucy 13

    I had unders and had to wear it 24/7 for 4 weeks (took it off for shower) Got used to it after a while but rubbed under my arm pits and made them really sore. Had to put socks there lol. Xx

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