Capsular Contracture? Started by: natasha92

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  • natasha92 9

    Hello Guys! It’s been a long time! …. Well a shortened version of my story! … I got a BA done 3 years ago, went from a 30A to a 30E/F. I had 415 cc overs natrelles. Its been 3 year to this month since surgery, with DR TRAYNOR. Its been a rocky road, I had some slight rippling, good healing scars and it took some time to get used to my implants. Within the last week my left breast has increasingly gone hard and swollen. and raised up my body in size. I am absolutely disheartened as I loved my results. I have moved away from home, I don’t live where my clinic is now but have made an appointment with Trainer on the 31st July in Newcastle. I’m very anxious, scared and distraught about my results. I have rang the nurse out of hours and had a it checked with the local GP who has also transferred me to a breast specialist. The out of hours nurse believes the side effects sound like capsular contracture. Can anyone who has had these issues before give me some advice or anyone who had re op and what their second results were like after capsular contracture. …. Feeling a bit on my own with this! Would be great to have some MYA girls advice x

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    natasha92 9



    Haven’t had mine done yet but this definitely looks like capsular contraction hun. Xx


    I’ve heard youre supposed to massage it gently with the palm of your hand to break up the scar tissue xx

    Lianne 7

    Hiya Hun, I had capsular contracture I was just over 2 years po when I noticed the changes and it’s not nice so sorry your going thought this it’s horrible! I have just had my re op I’m 3 weeks po and I’m so happy & glad it’s over and done with & I’m feeling normal again! The one that had it in is still higher but that’s moral because it was stuck high for so long and hopfully it will drop it has over this passed week but I’d like it to drop more there is a before and after pic & feel free to add me & message me if u need to! Hope you get sorted soon xxx

    Lianne 7

    Top pic is before with capsular contracture with 340cc uhp and bottom is 3 weeks po with 400cc uhp x

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    My that looks sore, hope you get it sorted soon Hun xxx


    Hey sweetie I’ve had CC twice now feel free to add me x

    natasha92 9

    Just An update to a stressful week, I have rang MYA 24 hour nurse who was lovely ! And advised to use ice packs and painkillers for the pain. It’s still hurts and is rock hard but the swelling has gone down. I have an appointment with traynor on the 31st hopefully I will be further forward x

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    Looks like it’s helped a bit though hun! Good luck x

    Sophie 25

    are you feeling any better??, im so scared of getting this right now, my op is a week tomorrow. I haven’t felt anything but excitement and all of a sudden I feel sick with worry that I am going to get CC.
    can this go away on its own? xxxx

    natasha92 9

    Hi girls !!
    Just a quick reply to my pictures the other week! and an update …
    So I live down south and have had to come home for my appointment with Dr Traynor with regarding the swollen implant, some days its felt worse than others and I have felt its been going up and down.

    After waiting to see Dr Trainer I felt nervous !! He observed me and told me it wasn’t capsular contracture but a fluid build up. So my body has built up fluid around the implant – which was a bit strange 3 years down the line. And no direct cause of it. After being a bit emotional, and confused. Dr Traynor did say it needed seeing to straight away with a new branded implant Mentor. At first Traynor was just going to operate on the problem implant, but pushing that I didn’t want two different branded implants. It was agreed that I am going to have a re-op on both implants. The implant chosen is 425 cc mentor, and again overs. Because I was a bit upset and it was a lot to take in as I didn’t know if I was going to have to have a re op or not I didn’t question anymore than this. But I am a bit worried 425 cc overs are going to be huge.? I am a 8-10 and 5’6.

    So then I had more news, my case has been seen as an emergency case so I am going to have the re op next Wednesday! Which I was unprepared for but I would rather get it done sooner than later. Worried but relieved I’m on the right track to getting my boobies sorted! Just wondering has anyone else got pics of the 425 cc over implants or any experience of fluid build up?


    Lianne 7

    So glad your getting sorted Hun and it’s been Quick for you!! Iv got 400cc in and I’m a size 6 and 5 foot 1 so no I don’t think they will look silly on you! Hope it Gos well Hun and update when u have had it done! 🙂 xxx

    Danielle 3

    Hi Natasha so glad u posted this this looks like what has happend to mine im 3month po and my right started to swell Iv been in my sports bra non stop and it has helped no pain I phoned nurse hu said I should wait for myv3 month follow up with Dr traynor which is this week shall see what he says glad he noticed a problem and didn’t shrug it off like some surgons

    Amy 265

    So glad your problem has been acknowledged and dealt with swiftly. As cc or any problems like yours are just one of them things that can not be predicted it’s great the mya team are applying the great customer service and after care they we all signed up for.
    Hope your re op goes well x


    Glad it getting sorted for you Hun xxx good luck, happy healing xxx??

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