Do u Lose alot of blood during surgery Started by: Louisa

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  • Louisa 15

    I’m scared that il lose alot of blood and need a transfusion

    Jay 36

    No Louisa you don’t loose much blood at all during surgery, I’d given blood a few weeks before so was a pint down anyway and was absolutely fine.I’ve never heard of anyone having to have a blood transfusion and they don’t ask your blood type so I doubt they even hold it as the surgerys.

    Definitely not something you should be worrying about.

    Louisa 15

    Aww thank u I’ve got my op on the 13th and I wish I had it sooner as im stressing about it ?

    Jay 36

    Honestly the opp itself is nothing to worry about, it’s the healing which is a pain!

    Louisa 15

    Aww thanks jay that makes me feel so much better as I keep having bad dreams about the op going wrong.


    Louisa i have my op on the 2nd and i am exactly the same as you starting to panic and freek out about the whole thing!!! I think its normal to feel lyk this xx

    Louisa 15

    Hi lisa im so glad it’s not just me I hope your surgery goes well you will have 2 let me know how u get on x


    I will let you know how it goes! I was so excited bt as its geting closer you question everything… Its something ive wanted for a long time so… I just want th op to be over with now lol xxx

    Louisa 15

    I was exactly the same was dead excited but I think now I’ve had time to research things I’m freaking out ? uve not got long left for your appointment now, have u got everything sorted xx

    Ele Wills 69

    honestly the op itself is a massive daze haha your out before you know it it’s the recovering that hurts don’t worry about the op! xxxx

    Louisa 15

    Thanks Ele I’m hoping it will go well bit hearing it from people who’s had it done makes me feel a whole lot better x

    Emilyn 12

    You don’t lose a lot of blood but if you’re anemic you have to let the nurse know so she can give you a blood test to see how low your iron levels are otherwise it’s dangerous to have surgery, my blood levels were 88 and needed to be 110 within 3 weeks so for prescribed high dose of iron tablets by my doctor and toon that everyday for 3 weeks and my blood levels went up! If you’re worried speak to a nurse and ask her to give you a blood test otherwise you will end up having surgery and have complications of you are anemic! People shouldn’t sugar coat on here cause your health comes first

    Louisa 15

    Hi @Emilyn I may have a word with the nurse as don’t won’t any complications. How did your surgery go in the end x

    Emilyn 12

    Yeah the best thing is to speak to the nurse about your concerns, I told her I was anaemic before she gave me a blood test and if I didn’t tell her She wouldn’t if given me a blood test and I would of had surgery and probably be very weak and tired and probably would wanna faint cause the lack of iron I had so it’s best to speak to the nurse about your concerns etc she will lead you to the right path and my surgery went fine thanks I’m nearly 4 weeks post op x

    Louisa 15

    @emilyn thanksweetcelebrations hun, my countdown is now on as I have my op nx sun and glad ur surgery went well as makes me feel better hearing people have good results ?xx

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