going back to work after BA Started by: Shelley

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  • Shelley 1

    I have my op booked for the 26th of march and wondering when people went back to work? I work in a hospital, so assume as long as my incisions are closed all is okay? due to infection etc? Has anyone else gone back to work (in a hopsital) after their BA? and if so, how long did you take off? xxxx

    xjessx 5

    heyy i’v not had my BA seein mr traynor soon, well when i book it lol, anyways…it all depends on what you do in the hospital as you cant lift or move anything to heavy or your incisions could open up dont want that, ring your pc and ask her she should have a better idea or you ask the nureses in the hosiptal when you go to have it done xx


    i don’t personally work in a hospital but i went back after a week (work in an office) but my cousin had breast implants and was back at work aafter a week and a half and works in a hospital, and shes experienced no problems, just as jess said dont lift anything to heavy and no pushing and pulling too much 😀 xx

    Shelley 1

    okay thank you both for the advice! i’ll just have to take it steady, i’m aiming for 2 weeks off anyway, so should be recovered by the time i’m due back in! xxx

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