Pregnancy & Pill…..please help!! Started by: staceylouise90

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    I’ve recently come off the contraceptive pill and my last period was the 7th Jan so not due on until early feb, me and my partner are trying for our second baby but since yesterday I’ve been spotting with mild cramps, does anyone know why this is? I’ve had this before but that was when I was on the pill but now I’ve been off it since the beginning of jan so don’t know whats happening :-/ I really hope I’m pregnant anyone got any advice?? Or experienced this before and been pregnant? Thanks girls x

    Amy 265

    Your hormones may take a while to settle down hun after coming off pill. My mums been a midwife 37 years and she says could be too early to test if your pregnant 7th of jan is only 16 days ago x x x

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