Remove nails/piercing before surgery? Started by: Hannah

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  • Hannah 214

    These might be really stupid questions so I do apologise, but do you have to take your belly bar out before surgery? (I literally cannot get mine out for some reason!) And acrylic nails should I have these removed as well?

    Thanks ladies! x


    Yeah I was told no metal (in hair ties ect) no polish/ no fake eyelashes at my pre op

    Alexandra 6

    You have to go completely bare.. no make up, hair products, nail polish, piercings etc xx


    Oh I was told no body lotion or deodorant too


    As natural from top to toe. It’s all detailed in the pack u recieve at ur pre op and ur nurse will run through everything with u so u know exactly how to show up on the day.

    I washed with hibiscrub from a day or two before the op to get my body ready and prepped for surgery. U dont have to but I just wanted to be sure I was totally prepared as when having an op on the NHS they usually give patients this to clean themselves with ams make sure no bacteria is present on the body that could lead to MRSA

    Helen 29

    Hi Hannah I replaced metal piercings with plastic ones so I could keep mine in, apart from my tongue bar which had to come out. My local body piercing shop were happy to change them for me and have the tools to take them out easily to. X

    Hannah 214

    Thanks everyone! My pre op is next week so I guess I will wait to see what information she will also give me :).

    That’s such a good idea Helen! I will ask my shop to change my bar to plastic then, because for some reason I can’t get the metal one to budge myself! X

    Hannah 214

    @fran32 where did you buy the hibiscrub from? X


    Hey hun I got it from boots here’s the link so u can read up on it

    After my op I washed myself with sanex zero shower gel and used the roll on from tht range too as advised by my nurse


    Hannah 214

    @fran32 Thanks Fran really appreciate the advice! x


    Ur welcome babe all the best for ur pre op xxx

    Michelle 11

    @hannahlaura Hey Hannah, I’m like you although I have more piercings and I always have my nails done. I didn’t get mine done this month because of my op, I asked the nurse at my pre-op why I had to take all my piercings out as I haven’t for any other operations I’ve had. But its because they cauterize the area to stop bleeding and infection. If there is any metal in it’ll burn the area’s where you have metal x

    Helen 29

    @hannahlaura you can go and get plastic bars or rings for any piercing that are not going to get in the way of surgery. Nice thing is you don’t have to worry about getting any back in after surgery; ) x

    Hannah 214

    @michelleannconnolly It’s going to be hell having no nails haha, but hey at least it will only be for a few weeks and we gain new boobs 🙂 ! Ah it’s such a pain all my other piercings are fine, but my belly bar is just stuck! – Do earrings have to come out to then? x

    Hannah 214

    @barron13 Thanks Helen, I will be going to get a plastic bar I think, then I can let the professional attempt to get this metal one out and replace it! But yes that true, I could just leave the plastic one in a guess for a while 🙂 x

    Michelle 11

    @hannahlaura I feel like I have man hands at the moment, but I’m just thinking I can get them done afterward and it’s all for a worthy cause. I’m so excited now for them, I’ve got a countdown on! I think they do, I have a fair few ear piercings and if they’re in bio flex bars its okay, I had to get my dermal changed to a bioflex dermal bar. But all metal needs to be out I have like 15 piercings and half of them have been removed since having them done! it’s a nightmare! x

    kristina 10

    Are we not even allowed nail polish on our toes? Xx

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