Revision tomorrow. One old boob, one new! Started by: Casey

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  • Casey 1

    So im going in for a revision tomorrow morning for capsular contracture in one breast. They are only fixing the one so ill make sure to upload a picture so people can see how their breasts change after they drop and fluff since i know that is a popular question on here.

    You will be able to see the difference as i have had mine in for 2 years and 2 months so one will be like a ball (kinda how it currently is) and the other will be more natural (aka dropped aka sag lol)

    im having a replacement 495cc, allergen i believe. Im 5’11 and 12 and a half stone.

    Wish me luck!!!

    P.S Am i the only one who loves going under, tryna count to ten then waking up with that woozy high feeling? LOL

    Angie 26

    Good luck be interesting too see your results ????

    Bassett28 122

    Good luck hun. X

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