Still no sensation at nearly 5 weeks PO- I NEED REASSURANCE! Started by: Anonymous

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  • Anonymous

    Hi ladies-
    I’m getting really worried cos I’m nearly 5 weeks PO and have no sensation in my breasts except for right at the bottom. My nipples are completely numb though and I am terrified it’ll stay this way! I’m hoping for some reassurance from anyone who might have had the same at this stage but has gotten sensation back!! Anyone??? Xxx

    D.hayes 8

    @gabzt87 I am nearly 6 weeks post op and I’m pretty similar, some girls don’t get feeling back at all I’m afraid! I have feeling in one of my nipples and the top of my boobs but not the side or underneath, I think some parts are coming back slowly I think it just takes time, fingers crossed! I’ve heard people still getting feeling back after a year! Xx

    Jess 146

    Mine are all over the place! I’m 6 weeks post op, my nipples have been hyper sensitive since the op and the top half of one boob is numb and the bottom half of the other is numb ?

    Kirsty 49

    I’m 7.5 months and still have no feeling in most of my left boob haha. It’s one of the risks unfortunately! Xx

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