Thinking of going on holiday 8 weeks after uplift? Started by: Jodie

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  • Jodie 1

    Hi my parents are going away 8 weeks after I have my uplift and I really want to go.. I’m not sure if it is a good idea as I don’t no if my boobs will still be sore at this point and I have a 18 month old who will have to sit on my lap the whole 4 hour journey.. If anyone who’s had a uplift could let me no what the pain in like at this stage.

    Charlotte 12

    Hey Hun, I had a uplift with implants 5 weeks ago n pain only lasted about 5 days. So u should be fine to go on holiday 8 weeks post op. I feel 100% fine just need to be careful with the incisions xx

    Charlotte 12

    And I have a 8 month old n I could pick her up fine after about 3 weeks xx


    Hiya …hope you are all well. Please could you advice whicheck surgeon you chose for a uplift and if you have any pictures I could please see? I am looking for a surgeon for a uplift…please help .

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