Work and horses Started by: Anonymous

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  • Anonymous

    Hi guys I was just wondering if anyone knows how much time I would need off work? I work part time in waitrose on checkouts

    Also does anyone know how long I won’t be able to horse ride for? I have 2 horses so need to organise for someone to look after them

    Thank you xxx

    Clare 5

    Hi 🙂

    I had a week off work but had weekends as well, as my surgery was on a Friday.

    I had someone look after my horse for 2 weeks and someone rode him twice a week for me, after those two weeks I did everything for him but slowly and if I needed help carrying buckets or hay id ask as you know when Your better to do that sort off stuff just don’t rush yourself,. I then lunged him untill my 6 week check up and then started riding. All in all was fine and not difficult at all. Iv got a fiesty tb and had no problems.

    Good luck with everything xx


    Hi Clare thank you for your advice 🙂 I think I’ll have to get someone to lunge my mare for me she’s really strong haha xx

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