Wounds and Stitches.. Started by: sofiet

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  • sofiet

    I’m 11 days PO and I’ve not had a really good look at my scars yet, so after getting a shower I had a little look using the camera on my phone. They look really bloody all along the line and not like they’re healing too great. The nurse said they looked brilliant at my 7 day check up but I’m not too sure. I’ve showed the photo to my friend who had her BA last month and she commented on how they do look quite bloody and not how hers were after 11 days. Obviously I know everyone heals differently and I expected dried blood and for them to be very ugly initially but they seem almost open still.. Is this normal?


    Maybe it’s best to call the nurse Hun? My op is 29th so not sure what’s normal but I say trust your gut instinct x


    Call the emergency nurse Hun!! Bleeding isn’t good! It’s the only thing they worry about!! Are you in pain?xx


    It’s not bleeding! It’s just like congealed/dried blood? No pain no x


    I had dried blood like stuck in mine for a couple of weeks and didn’t know whether to rub/pick it off but I’m now 3 weeks post op and they’re all clean and neat now. Just hold on in there x

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