1 year post rhinoplasty still can't smile… Started by: Ella

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  • Ella

    Hi guys,

    So for the past year I’ve been trying to convince myself that my awkward smile has been as a result of my teeth but I went to my orthodontist yesterday and he said that they can’t get much better so i’m now forced to realise what I initially thought which is that the rhinoplasty has completely ruined my smile. I’m so upset because I’m otherwise so happy with my nose but before my rhinoplasty I spent 4 horrible years and a seriously ridiculous amount of money correcting my teeth..they’re now so much better but completely hidden under my long upper lip..when I try to smile i feel so uncomfortable and it looks very creepy and awkward, something numerous people have commented on.

    When my face is rested the top lip completely covers my top teeth and when I smile my face just looks a mess. I know its not my teeth because when i physically lift my lip up my teeth all look straight and normal.

    What shall I do??? I’m seriously panicking that if the muscles were cut they can’t be restored?!?! Any advice appreciated thank you x


    Hi Ella
    Are you sure you don’t have Bell’s palsy? After I had my rhino a few years ago I suffered Bell’s palsy straight after surgery – it started a day or two after they aren’t sure what causes it, it makes you look like you’ve had a stroke as the muscles on one side of your face don’t move. It’s to do with the nerves. It got better within a few weeks but it was quite traumatic, I couldn’t blink in one eye, couldn’t drink without dribbling and couldn’t smile. My first thought when it happened was that a nerve had been cut but with the help of Google I saw that the motor nerves which moves your face are under your ears along your cheeks – so not near your nose. Dr G was my surgeon and he had never had another patient with Bell’s palsy after surgery so I think it’s quite a rare occurrence…. And again Google didn’t bring anyone else up. I would go to your doctor about it.

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