1yr PO. Right breast lower than left? Started by: Jasmine

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  • Jasmine 10

    Hey everyone, so I’m just over a year post opp. On my birthday (around 5-6 month po) I was on a night out with friends when one of them who very much thinks he’s god’s gift to woman was very drunk and as a ‘joke’ decided to bite the top or be breast around 2-3 inches below my collar bone. It left a bruise and it’s worried me every since that it could of caused damage. I no longer have anything to do with this person. I had 700cc partially under the muscle and now the breast that he has bitten seems a bit lower and doesn’t feel as full at the top as my left. I’ve tried to put it out of my mind for a while incase its just my anxiety and worry making me feel like there’s something wrong although I keep remembering my surgeon saying the when you have you’re breasts done that they are ‘sisters not twins’ so there would be no guarantee they would look the same. I just wanted to ask if anyone has had a large implant put in and found that over the year recovery noticed that one breast is a bit lower than the other just to put my mind at rest. I don’t wanna have to travel to the Mya clinic as it’s pretty out of the way for me (25 minute metro and then a 20 minute walk up hill then down 6 flights of stairs!’ plus I don’t really wanna have to take my top off again as I’m very self-confidence with my mum tum!
    P.s I would phone my PC but Emily left and I don’t have my new ones number anymore nor can I remember her name!

    Thankyou in advance for any advice anyone can give!

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