5 days till Op!!! So nervous!!! Started by: Jasmine

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  • Jasmine 10

    Hello ladies. So I have 5 days til my op and iv’e just been given my admissions time and it’s fair to say the nerves are setting in. I’m getting 700cc and I’m only 32aa/a so there is going to be a massive difference when I wake up. I’m staying in a hotel the night of the surgery and the night before with my partner due to having to get the train to Preston and back home (Newcastle/Jarrow). If anyone has any tips or advice it would be greatly appreciated.

    I have no idea what clothes to take for before and after surgery. If you can wear make up or not (Just something that calms me down a bit). If I can take an energy drink or bottle of coke for when I wake up and so on. So any advice would be lovely EVEN more so if anyone out there has also had 700cc or is around 13stone >.< would be great to make a big boobed friend <3 haha

    Paulaxx 2

    Are you at Preston on the 15 th Hunni xx

    Jasmine 10

    I am yeah. My admission is 11am xx

    Paulaxx 2

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    Am not there till 2 wanted to be there earlier hope all goes well for you Hunni probably see there xx

    Jasmine 10

    Ah I hope everything how well for you to. I’ll probably see you there hunny. Be nice to have someone to talk to xx

    Beth 11

    Good luck babe mines the 14th xxx

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