Am I being impatient?!! Started by: Tracey

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  • Tracey 4

    Girls I’m five weeks post op and although my boobs have definitely dropped some and changed shape they are still really, really firm and sensitive!! I’ve seen girls on here who are less time post surgery than me saying how soft theirs are already! Is it normal for them to take longer and is it just me being impatient?! Also really sensitive to the cold!!

    Angie 26

    @tracey82 Don’t worry about it I am 6 weeks post op and only just starting to notice a difference up till a couple of days ago they were the same and as you can imagine I work in a cold store warehouse and pain knocked me sick!, I feel like I am finally starting to drop now and sensitivity is reducing however I wore a wired bra for the first time yesterday then slept without a bra last night and they were really firm and achy so I have gone back to a sports bra today and I never thought I would say this after 6 weeks but it was heaven lol bear with it it can take months to settle ???? Xx

    Tracey 4

    @angieca aww thanks Angie, I know I can be a bit impatient I was just reading on here girls already describing theirs as squishy a few weeks post op and mine are far from that! They are softer than they were so I guess I just need to be more patient! Oh my goodness I don’t know how you worked in the cold, even going through the chilled section in the supermarket is a pretty sensitive experience!! I know what you mean about the sports bra, I haven’t worn anything else yet but even after taking it off it’s like a bit of a comfort blanket putting it back on, never thought I’d say that!! Hope the rest of your recovery goes well xx

    Donna 12

    Don’t worry I’m 10 weeks and mine are only just softening up they’ll do it when they are ready xx

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