Anyone else had 11am admission? Started by: Zoe

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  • Zoe 15

    My op is on Monday and I’ve just got my admission time, it’s 11am, I know everyone will be differed but has anyone else had 11am admission what time was your op? Also how long roughly after do they keep you in? Thankyou xxx

    Hayley 30

    I had 11 am went down about 3.30 felt like forever (by looking on here that was early!) woke up about 5 ish went home at 7.30-8 x

    Zoe 15

    @hayley41 Thankyou! I bet it seems like forever I’m hoping I get down quickly I’ll be starving ha xx

    alice 42

    I asked about admission times yesterday and was told that whatever it is, expect to wait up to 6 hours!

    Zoe 15

    @alicem I’ve got a email this morning it says that it can be up to 6 hours 🙁 xx

    Chantel 9

    I had 11am and went down at 1, wasn’t too bad as you have nurses etc constantly coming in which broke the time up abit. Good luck with the op xx

    Hayley 30

    Mine did seem like ages I never saw my nurse from when she checked me in?! But it’s worth it it’s one day of the rest of my boobie life haha xx


    Yes my admission time was 11am. i went down at 2.30pm. They only had 7 surgeries that day which was said to be a quiet day, but they were very apologetic about the delay.
    I went down at 2.30pm, back at 3.30pm in my room and discharged at 7pm. Could have gone maybe an hour or so earlier but my blood pressure was low and i was dizzy. Wasn’t too bad at all really. Take a few magazines with you to read whilst your waiting and you have a tv in your room so keeps you occupied. I did consider having a little snooze but the nurses were bobbing in every half hour or so so not much chance of that haha

    kirsty 7

    Just a heads up. My admission time was 11am last Monday and I didn’t actually go down until 5:50pm which is over the 6 hours. Apparently there was an issue and my surgeon was held up in surgery. I got back to my room around 7pm and was the last to leave the hospital at 11pm! So be prepared to be waiting girls. I was extremely dehydrated and starving as I hadn’t eaten since 10:30pm the night before xx

    Kelly 7

    Just a quick question but what does your chaperone do are they allowed to wait in your room while you’re in surgery?

    Zoe 15

    @kg84 I was at Preston they stayed in the room
    With me when I went down they went to the waiting area, was literally next door but one to my room then as soon as you get back the bring them in for you xx

    Kelly 7

    Great thanks Zoe x

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