Bbl Started by: Claudette

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  • Claudette -31

    Hello ladies.
    Does mya do Brazilian bum lifts and body sculpting? Ive had my boobs done but now I was a bigger bum…

    Thank you. Or has anyone ever had a bbl and of so where did you go?


    I don’t know if you would be interested in going abroad but a girl I follow on Instagram went to serene cosmetics and the outcome was amazing. Check them out on insta xx

    Claudette -31

    Yeah I’ve been looking at comfortzone alot of insta girls go there but I heard your have to get your bum drained for like 3 weeks after… Is that true? Xx

    Issie 4

    I have bbl booked with comfortzone in may but I’m trying to find another company it’s so hard to find somewhere good! I have some appointments in London for it this week and Dr aslani in marbs looks good but if u find another company with good reviews please let me know!xx

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