BREAST IMPLANT REMOVAL???, Started by: lishy

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  • lishy

    Hi guys, wondering if anyone could please shed some light??

    I had 320cc under the muscle implants with MYA about 5 years ago and I have never been happy with them. They are a bad shape, they sit too high in my chest and I had trouble Breastfeeding my son, not sure if this was due to the implants but regardless I don’t want to have the same issue if I have more children.

    The thought of having my tiny boobies back is not very appealing but I’m fed up if looking at my implants! Lol!

    Does anyone now how much it would roughly cost? Or if anyone has been in a similar position??

    Any replies would be greatly appreciated thanks xx


    Has no one had their implants taken out?? 🙁


    Sorry I can’t help but just wanted to respond :/

    I would def book a consultation with one of the surgeons… Maybe one of the other girls can suggest one?

    Consultations are free with the majority of surgeons so it can’t hurt to have a chat 🙂

    Best of luck x


    Hi lishy.. Did you end up getting your implants out? I’m in a similar position and want mine out after 5 years of having them in.. Have u had a consultation ? Did u get the surgery done ? I Wud like to get mine out and not have any more in .. I just want some light on the removal be used no one seems to have had them out xxx

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