Breast lift day 2 Started by: Sophie

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  • Sophie 1

    Its been two days since my breast lift with impants.. at what stage does it get easier? Ribs and back are in agony and feel sick as a dog

    Chantelle 10

    Hi Sophie, I’m not gonna lie the first week is hell!! I’m now 10 days post op and today is the first day I’ve felt normal! The antibiotics made me feel so ill, sick, constipated, bloated, tired, dizzy and faint! I’ve really struggled with the sleeping part and I can sympathise with your back hurting.. it’s agony isn’t it? I had moments last week when I actually wondered what the hell I’d done to myself.. but I can assure you it’s worth it!! I had to wait till today to have my strapping off and I feel 1 million times better now it’s gone. I’m so happy with my results. When you’re struggling with the pain Hun just remind yourself why you did it and stay positive! 🙂 xx

    Sophie 1

    Hi thanks for the reply! And that’s exactly how im feeling! i cant wait for the strap to be off its so sore! Im glad your happy with your results its giving me some hope. Im going back to see the nurse on Friday so hopefully my straps will be off then.. xx


    Hi girls I’m new on here and have my op on Wednesday for an uplift with implants with Mr Marcellino. I’m so nervous and really worried about the pain and scars to the point I’m literally feeling sick, I’m thinking to myself is it really worth it. Is the pain really bad afterwards? xx

    Sophie 1

    Hi louise I wouldn’t worry about the scars at all ive been told by loads of people that in time they will fade to a silver scar and it will hardy be noticable.. id try not to worry to much just take it as it comes its more un-comfortable more than anything you just have to try and make yourself comfortable you’ll definitely need loads of pillows! A gentle massage on the back and shoulders helps to!..i was feeling really fed up yesterday but it will all be worth it in the end you just need to try and stay positive xx


    I’m now 4 days post op and, honestly, I found that the painkillers were making me feel worse. I was taking cocodamol every 4 hours for the first 2 days and I felt light headed and sick. On day 3 I switched to just Ibuprofen and I feel loads better. Obviously I’m still a little sore and stiff and this band is driving me mad. And sleeping is a nightmare too. But I feel 100% better than I did in those first 2 days already. I’m just ready to be able to drive and dress myself again!!

    Sophie 1

    Thats good to know im on day 3 now and my ribs and back are starting to ease. Ive changed to ibrofen too and feel better i was on codine and they was making me sick.. do you know when you will be having the band off? Im going back to have my dressings off friday but they didn’t say anything about the band x

    Chantelle 10

    On your one week post op appointment they will remove that horrible band and just change your dressings so you will feel so much better! Then it’s just sports bras for the next 5 weeks.
    Louise try not to worry, I know it’s scary.. it’s not a horrendous pain it’s just achey and annoying more than anything. I think the strapping they wrap you up in was the cause of most of my pain.. it feel like the tightest most uncomfortable bra (with the wires digging in) that you can’t take off lol. I did have a few sharp pains in my right boob but that seems to have eased massively. 11 days on they literally just feel like period boobs haha.. just a bit tender but honestly soooo worth it! Try to be excited rather than nervous. I tried to think about buying lovely new lingerie and clothes I wouldn’t have worn before.. anything strapless, plunging or backless! Can’t wait to go shopping 🙂 xxx

    Lea 14

    Hi hun.
    The first week is def the worst and most uncomfortable. I really struggled with my meds they knocked me for 6 and with back pain but after about day 5 adjusted my pillows differently and it’s been easier (more pillows the better and v shape pillows are a god send)
    The strapping is just awful and makes it really sore I had cuts on my breasts from where it was so tight so it will ease off once that’s been removed.
    I’m currently 12 days post op and I’m still quite tender and still taking painkillers just not on a regular basis. I am able to move more freely but need to remember to hold back sometimes. I’m dying to hold my 7 month old baby 🙁 but it’s all worth it in the end. Even after the pain, restriction and money it’s def the best decision I ever made. It will get easier.
    I’ve got my 2 weeks post op on Thurs I’m hoping they say I can lye on my back – fingers crossed!! X

    Sophie 1

    Been for my appointment and ive got to keep my strap on another week im not happy! are you able to lay on your back yet? I can’t wait for that day to come I haven’t had a proper nights sleep yet. One of my breast is noticeably bigger than the other could that just be due to swelling x

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