Day 5 post op Tummy Tuck and re- aug Started by: Yana

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  • Yana 51

    Today I took my last Ibuprofen (400g), and have another day left on antibiotics.
    I can walk slightly straighter. But still hunched over.
    My back muscles are still in agony.
    Today my arms hurt a bit more and the breasts are a bit tender. It started being itchy under the strapping and I guess that’s a sign of healing. My body is probably working over time as my skin constantly feels like sand paper, pores seem to be cleaning. No matter how often I wipe it/ scrub it.. Few hours later is back to grany-sandy-oily feel. But to be honest that’s the last of my problems. I don’t even care about my unwashed hair. My hubby used some dry shampoo yesterday but it looks bad again.
    My labia is still very swollen but not getting any worse, ice seems to help. That however prevents me sitting comfortably, I can’t put my legs together and I walk like a cowboy/ hunched Michelin man 🙂
    I slept better last night, was actually out cold between 1-7. And even tried to stretch a bit. The corset is still a nightmare, keeps rolling down and folding into me, ribs feel bruised because of it. But I can yawn easier, doesn’t seem to hurt as much.
    Well I suppose I do feel better..but it’s a very slow and frustrating recovery. Not used to be so incapacitated:(
    I hope it will be worth it in the end..


    Hiya yana, can I ask if you had to provide your own corset/girdle? Thank you 🙂 x

    Yana 51

    Hi, no they put me in it whilst I was still under. I woke up in it. mine didn’t charge for it but some do. I would double check though.


    Thanx Yana, i had my post op on monday and the nurse said that Mr Traynor doesn’t like to use the garments and prefers spanx so I have to find one 🙂 x

    Yana 51

    That’s good, to be honest I’m quite upset that my garmet gave me a sore that would refuse to heal for over 8 weeks, I got a massive keloid scar, which I’ll have to have steroid injections in and probably tatoo over it.

    Chel 31

    Hi Yana. I’ve just added you hope that’s ok.

    I’ve just had my boobs done, in the hope that it would make me feel better about my body since having my children. But now all I can think about is how nice a tummy tuck would be. My tummy is really saggy and covered in stretch marks it looks like the tummy of an 80 year old woman not a 27yr old!

    Yana 51

    Hi, yeah I know what you mean:) only yesterday my husband said that he noticed how I’ve changed and become more confident after it. He can see the benefit not only in appearance.
    I’ll add you now:)

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