Finance Options??? Started by: Erinn

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  • Erinn


    As I’m only 19 I can’t get finance with certain banks, I was just wondering how did some of the younger Mya Girls deal with finance or there payment plan?


    India 6

    You’ll have to have at least a 500 pound deposit and a guarantor – mum or dad or something xx


    Yeah babe I’ve got the money for that just worried about sorting the finance cause I thought it said someone has got to have like a joint account with you ? Did you do finance hun??xx


    You can have a guaranteur but it has to be someone you’re related to directly such as mum/dad/brother/sister who is in full time permanent employment and has been for over 12 months. I wanted to do it with finance but couldn’t so just had to save up xx

    India 6

    yeh you will need the finance to go through on your mum/ dads name for example, payments will come out of your account but its a safety net so if you ever don’t have the money then it will immediately be taken out your guarators account! 🙂 no I was going to but paying up front now, hope this helps xx

    kathryn 1

    if you’ve got someone who trusts you then they can take out a loan with a bank, sainsburys etc in their name, they can then give you the money and you can repay them each month, it can be cheaper than finance xx


    I would love to be able to save up but without sounding like an impatient cow, I kind of want them as soon as possible and my girls holiday is this year just kind of feels like I’m ready to do things this year now I can drive and want to feel my best and I can’t, I’ve probably got about 2000 and a bit but no-where near the 4000 I need. xx

    Sarah -2

    My mam paid it off her card and then transferred the balance to a 0% credit card and I’m setting up a direct debit to pay it back over 12 months! That was the easiest and cheapest option for me, I’ve paid off 1500 already including the deposit xxxx

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