HELP! Job interview day 4 post op. Advice needed Started by: Sophie Jude

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  • Sophie Jude 13

    Hey everyone,

    My BA is booked in for Friday 26th January and I’ve just had an email through about a job interview on Tuesday January 30th. I’ll be 4 days post op.
    Shall I go? Will I feel well enough? I don’t realky want to tell them about my BA so could just say I can’t and try re arrange but then the nearest date is in March so a long way away.
    Please could you post op girls give me some advice?? Did you feel back to normal or well enough to go out the house 4 dpo?
    I’m having 375 cc OVER the muscle
    Thanks in advance xxx advice would be very appreciated xxx

    Sophie 26

    I am 3 days po and I honestly can’t think of anything worse than going for a job interview right now. However, I did go under the muscle so I’m probably in a bit more pain, but personally I would just rest. I do plan on going out for a walk around town tomorrow but that is really it. You can’t shower until your stitches are taken out and lifting your arms to do your make up and hair ect may be a bit difficult so it’s a question as to whether you can even get ready for an interview in the first place. Everyone is different though, you may be fine but I wouldn’t risk it personally, you don’t want to risk doing to much too soon. Hope your op goes well though lovely and you sort this out x x x


    It’s hard to say as everyone heals differently, I personally wouldn’t have been able to go, I had unders and had a crappy first few weeks but my friend had her ba on the Thursday and she was out for a meal on the Friday lol. It’s hard to call really as you might be ok with overs, you Defo won’t be able to drive yourself there though xx


    I had 450cc overs and by four days post op I probably would have been able to go! By four days I went to the hospital and had my bandages off, then went out for a coffee and to get my nails done cos I felt gross ???? but I had my op with a different company.

    Personally I found recovery from overs fairly pain free!

    Jodie 41

    I had partials and went out for a meal 4dpo. I was a little uncomfortable but I think I’d have been fine for an interview. If you did have any pains or anything and we’re uncomfortable you could just say you’re sore due to pulling a muscle or something xx


    I had unders and prob wouldn’t have felt up to it at day 4, I’m not sure if it was the meds but I just felt really anti social lol. My only advice if you do go would be to have a think about what you will wear, I’ve just been struggling with work clothes as you can see the sports bra through most of my tops, so maybe try some things on with your sports bra under before you have your op so you can have your outfit planned and don’t have to mess about post surgery xxx

    Cara 23

    Could you tell them that you aren’t able to attend on that day and push the interview back a few days so you are like a week po or something? Xx

    Sarah 2

    I had 450/425 overs and honestly was totally fine I went back to work after 5 days but I was up and about properly from day 3, good luck with the op!xxx

    Tiff 11

    I’m 4dpo today with unders I’ve done so much today it’s unreal including taking my son to nursery so I think it’s hard to tell every one is so different x

    Emily 16

    I had one 6 days post op but I wasn’t great at 3/4 days xx

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