MicroAire Lipo with Mr Giannas Started by: Dela

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  • Dela

    Hi guys, I’ve got so many questions to ask about my operation which is in 4days!! time, at the Fitzroy hospital in London.
    Has anyone had MicroAire instead of Vaser? There are so many forums for Vaser but I haven’t read any feedbacks regarding MicroAire so would love if anyone can share their experience of it. Do you leak afterwards or not? Etc etc….
    I’m having 3 areas done – abdomen, flanks and back/ bra area.
    Firstly, what do I pack? Apparently I’m a day case so in early morning, 1.5hrs procedure time and then go home at some point in the afternoon but not sure what kind of clothing to take?
    Will my compression garments be delivered to the hospital or my home as I still haven’t received anything!?
    3 days after my procedure I will be driving up to Glasgow (well fiancé will be driving) for Xmas to see family…will be a long drive! Will I be able to tolerate the pain? The nurse told me to take painkillers continuously and I should be fine. Is that true? All the messages I’ve been reading everyone’s complaining about the pain they’ve been in.
    Also, why are people talking about getting massages as I wasn’t told anything like this?
    If I’ve forgot to mention anything else that you think I should know please let me know.
    Thank youuuu! X

    Helen 1

    I haven’t been booked in for MicroAire so I can’t give any advice whatsoever on the specifics i’m afraid. However, from my research into it before booking, [I think] the only difference is that MicroAire has a motor assisted cannular and helps as it causes less physical stress to the surgeons?
    Your patient advisor should be able to give you honest advise about the leaking, maybe invest in some Tena area pads anyway in case of leaking in the car (my boyfriend said he’s going to cover our car in black plastic bags for the drive home… classy!) haha.
    I hope you find out specifics soon- sorry I couldn’t be of more help x

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