Mod plus pics?! Started by: EC

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  • EC 4

    Hi girls,

    I’ve got my op this Wednesday and I was so adamant that I wanted mod plus but now I’m seeing so many girls’ pics, I’m getting such bad high profile boob greed! Are there any mod plus girls on here who might be able to offer some comfort that I’ve made the right decision? Thanks so much! Xx

    EC 4

    @jamieelise omg they look amazing Jamie! ???? how are you healing?! Xx

    Jamie 55

    Thankyou, honestly I would do it all over again, I only had pain relief the day after, I’m very lucky recovery was good for me, I had some severe swelling and had uni boob for a while but I’m 7 weeks now and very happy, I was offered 350 high profile by one surgeon and then 380 moderate and that’s what I went for I’m so glad I did. I think the surgeon will pick what they feel is best for your frame xx

    Jamie 55

    Mya deleted my pic as I’m a non mya patient, hope it all goes well for you xx

    Tor 7

    I too would love some help with deciding on mod +
    Please could you add me so i can see whether to go go mod+ please? Xx

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