NUMB BOOB Started by: Ashleigh

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  • Ashleigh 6

    Had my surgery in August and my right breast is still completely numb?
    Really starting to worry that I won’t get any feeling back.
    Anyone got a reassuring story?


    Completely numb? I still (nearly 4 months po have very little sensation on the lower side of both breasts just above the scar) spoke to two friends which calmed me about it cause one had a boob job years ago and took nearly a year for her to get full sensation & the other had a cesarian which is still 7 years on a bit numb above the scar
    Guessing depend on how your nerves settle but if it’s your entire breast maybe best to give someone a call

    Ashleigh 6

    Yes it’s my entire breast. Thank you so much for your reply. My friend has just had a Caesarian and she’s numb. She was wondering if it was normal. So you’ve helped us both out xx

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