Opinions- Day release or overnight stay? Started by: Anonymous

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  • Anonymous

    Hey girls!

    I live an hour and a half away from the clinic and would need to get the train. Anyone have any opinions or advice as to whether I would be okay travelling back on the day or if it would be worth staying overnight and travelling back the next day?
    Also does it cost anything extra to stay overnight?

    Molly 8

    Hi Phoebe, I spoke to my nurse due to it sometimes taking me over an hour to get home. She said its absolutely fine. (normally about an hour and a half) As long as its not like 2/3/4 hours. Half hour doesn’t really make much of a difference. Also its costs £400 to stay over night. Well, that’s what my PC told me. Speak to your nurse hun, she might be able to advise you whats best. But if I were you, id go home, its only an extra half hour and youre in the comfort of your own home. But at the same time you don’t want to push your self on a busy train either.. Id be getting picked up. Its which ever you feel most comfortable with. 🙂

    Good luck girl xxx


    Hey Mollie, Yeah i think id rather go home as soon as possible tbh, i mean, it should be fine so long as the trains not really really busy! I will have to speak to my nurse and work it out.
    Good luck!! x @mollymay

    Sophie 16

    I’ve got the same problem! I live in Wales and wanted to stay the night but £400 is a huge amount of money and I think I’d rather stay in a hotel! I’d defo go home if I was you xx

    Molly 8

    Hi Phoebe, yeah I don’t blame you, good luck girl, hopefully they let you go home. Will you have someone with you?x

    Jane 9

    I stayed in overnight and there was no way I could have gone home the same day as I felt awful and could barely move…let alone get on a train! I know girls do it and hats off to them but my advice is stay over if you can as that’s when you need help the most…I was given an anti-sickness injection and morphine in the night and an additional drip as my BP was so low in the morning…you wouldn’t get any of that at home!

    Just be careful and think this is major surgery and you need to let your body adjust so either get someone to look after you and drive you home or pay the money and stay over…

    Hope that doesn’t scare you just being honest as everyone reacts differently and you don’t know how you will feel x


    @mollymay yeahh I will definatly have someone with me, gotta decide who haha, maybe I should take someone who can drive so they can take me back, mummmmmm 😉

    Thanks for all the replies girls!

    Molly 8

    Haha yes! I have a friend coming with, but dad will drop us and pick us up. Because the parking is hard to find and i cant be bothered to keep topping up my ticket.. Not knowing how long ill be there obviously. :/ id recommend driving.. Sleep after aha xxx

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