Please help, really need advice- so sad after open rhinoplasty!!! Started by: Louise

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  • Louise


    I would be so grateful if some one could reply to me. I had my cast taken off today and I absolutely love the side profile and general shape of the nose. But my nostrils are completely different shapes and sizes and from the front half my tip looks higher than the other!!! Before surgery my nostrils were exactly the same size. Is this normal? I’m so sad and just really need to speak to people who have been through it. Thank you so much xx

    Shelbie 15

    Hi Louise, it is normal. When I had my packs removed one nostril looked huge and the other was tiny. I worried about this for weeks. They definitely evened out though and now they are exactly the same! I hope this reassures your and try not to worry about it too much, trust the process x

    Helene 1

    Hi Louise, I had open rhinoplasty a few years ago and I was happy with the side profile but from the front it seemed worse. My nose seems to deviate to one side more and my nostrils are different shapes and sizes 🙁 I also have an indentation on one side on my nose. I went back to my surgeon but he said he didn’t see an issue with it. A few years has passed but I’m really unhappy with it still so I have another appointment at Mya but it’s with a different surgeon as the one I had has gone back to Italy. I’m not very hopeful for the outcome of the appointment but I’m there in a couple of weeks time so will see what they say.


    Hello, I am 6 days post op open septo rhinoplasty and I have the same concerns. Reading this has helped a little but I am not convinced my swelling is the sole cause of my nostril difference. Can you advise at what point you saw a change in your nostrils please? I am seriously regretting my decision because of this.
    Thanks, Emma


    Hello. I can say that now everything is completely different and my nostrils have fully evened out! I never thought I’d be saying it but they have. Just some tip swelling left but I know that’s normal. I feel people are right when they say to trust the process!

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