PRE OP TIPS Started by: Ciara

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  • Ciara

    Hi ladies,

    I am booked in for my reduction in May and was wondering if you have any advice on how to prep? I have already bought my bras and some ice packs as I seen some people say they help with the swelling.
    Also was any one on birth control at the time of the surgery (I’m on cerazette) and I am unsure wether I need to come off this for the surgery?
    Thank you in advance for any help you may be able to give x

    Ffion Davies 39

    I’m so happy you’ve booked your surgery, it’ll be the best thing you’ve ever done!
    I didn’t really prep, I just made sure I knew what was coming! But honestly everyone at MYA is incredible!
    I’ve just let my swelling go down when it’s ready too. I rested for the first couple of days, then started doing little things around the house so my body was getting used to it.
    I have got the implant in my arm and I didn’t have to take that out or anything so hopefully you should be fine but best to ask your patient coordinator 🙂

    Ffi xx

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