Recovery time advice Started by: Sarahfae

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    Hi, I work as a Childminder and would plan some time off for recovery but how long realistically am I looking at before I can pick up a baby/small 1 year old?
    Not the type of baby that needs holding constantly or carrying around a lot but generally lifting from floor to highchair etc.. pushing a pushchair?
    Sorry if these seem silly questions! I just have to plan this to cause as little disruption to my families as possible!

    Gina 7

    The general advice is no lifting for 6 weeks! I’m 4 days post op and have 2 children (4 & 3). I’ve needed to lift them and pick them up and I’ve had no issues so far.

    However I’d say 2 weeks off.


    Thankyou that’s really helpful X

    Mel -1

    Hey ladies,
    I had my op done yesterday, I felt fine last night but today I am in a lot of pain. Is this normal and how long until it starts to ease?
    Thanks, Mel x

    Gina 7

    I’m assuming different surgeons use different techniques because there’s a lot of ladies on here in a lot of pain for days afterwards but I’ve had no pain- just discomfort!

    Hayley 9

    From talking to others I think there will be a big difference depending on how invasive your surgery is. I had overs which is the least invasive and I only felt restricted during the first few days post op, it’s been pretty plain sailing from week 1 no problem driving, throwing the kids around etc. I know others who have had unders who have been much more restricted x

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