Reduction/Uplift girls. T-junction incision. Started by: Zoe Jordan

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  • Zoe Jordan 17

    How long did it take the t-junction part of your incision to dry out and heal?
    It feels like mine is taking forever and I’m still having to wear dressings because of the oozing. I’ve had three dressing changes this week because of it. It’s made me not comfortable enough to go back to work so I’m having another week off in the hope they finally dry out with a few more days of rest.


    Hey huni do you mean anchor lift ? Xx

    Zoe Jordan 17

    I mean where my incisions cross, I have one that goes down the middle of the lower half of the breast and then goes across underneath, creating a T-junction

    Zoe Jordan 17

    So yes, I now see that is another name for it.


    I’m 5 weeks post op and mine only dried out this week, my left one dried out about 10 days ago but the right one took longer, it’s a long process. I’ve been going back once sometimes twice a week for my dressings to be changed 🙂

    Zoe Jordan 17

    That’s a big help Megan, thankyou 🙂
    I’ve taken a little bit more time off work to reassure myself, but I think knowing this won’t make me so worried to go back next Friday.

    So you’re nearly at the 6 week point and should be wearing a bra soon, do you think that the slow healing will effect that?


    No worries, it helps to know its completley normal 🙂 No I’ve got my 6 week check up next Friday and the nurse said she can’t see why I shouldn’t be given the all clear to wear a normal bra, she gave me some spare dressings yesterday to pop on the t junction if they do start weeping Cuz they are still quite fragile but other than that all is good. Tbh I think it’s normal from most uplift girls I’ve seen here that the t junctions take weeks to heal fully

    Zoe Jordan 17

    I’m glad to know its normal and I’m not just being impatient. I had a dressings change monday, tuesday and wednesday, I’ve put new ones over my current ones until my next check tomorrow. I’ve been trying not to let it get me down. One nipple has dried out totally, the other hasn’t. I guess I underestimated the healing process really.

    Vickie 3

    Hi I’m 8 weeks PO on Sunday and mine still hasn’t healed. It does scab over but then lifts and oozes again. My surgeon said it should heal in the next couple of weeks xx

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