Showering Post-op Started by: Amy

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  • Amy 1

    Hi, I’m booked in to have surgery on Monday and was wondering what they advise re showering post-op?

    Shannon 19

    Hello. I was told I could shower at my post op appointment which was 8 days after surgery.

    Heidi 17

    I didn’t shower for 2 weeks. Just shallow baths until my scabs were quite healed over as we know water can just make a scab come off and it’ll leave you with an open wound again.
    I love showers and thought it’d be terrible not having one for a while but it flew by

    Heidi 217

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    If you have real stitches (rather than dissolvable) then its 2 weeks regardless, i had my mum wash my hair for me over the bath and had shallow baths x

    Shannon 8

    My surgeon explicitly advised I could only shower or bathe from my belly button down for 4 weeks.
    Wet wipes only for the top half.
    After 4 weeks I was able to have a full shower.

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