Stitches around areolar still not dissolved – 17 WPO. Advice please! Started by: Charlotte

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  • Charlotte 1

    Hi ladies,
    I’m wondering if anyone could help me. I had my surgery on October 30th and I am over the moon with the results! However the stitching around my nipples hasn’t yet dissolved.. You can see it under the skin. I saw my surgeon recently on the 8th Feb and he said they should dissolve but if my body pushes them out then I can pull the stitches. I had done this to one part of it on my right nipple before I saw him because it was sticking out for so long I just pulled it out.. Where it has been removed has smoothed out so much and looks great. But the where the rest of the stitching is doesn’t looked the same and I just want it out! I would have thought that by now it should all be dissolved? Has anyone else had the same thing and will it eventually go?
    I can upload pics if needs be. Thanks! x


    Hi Charlotte,
    So glad to hear you’re happy with your results, it’s the best feeling ever! I went for my 6WPO appointment yesterday and there was still stitches around my nipple too, the nurse thought they were scabs last week, but actually realised they weren’t, so she had to pull them all out with a tweezer.
    Not sure if they’ll naturally dissolve so I’d recommend pulling them out with tweezers yourself because it can delay the healing process. Are the stitches still underneath your skin or can you get to them? I wonder why your surgeon didn’t pull them out for you ? x

    Charlotte 1

    Hi Becky,
    It’s the best isn’t it!! How are you healing?
    At the beginning they pulled out some of them around the nipple. But the rest they said would just dissolve.
    When I went to see my surgeon on the 8th he said they should still dissolve and if they don’t my body will just push them out – which one of them did do so I pulled it and it was a really long stitch. But the rest is still under the skin and you can see and feel them around the nipple and there’s no sign of them coming out so I hoping they will just dissolve. I just thought that by 17 weeks you still wouldn’t be able to notice as much as I can if that makes sense ? x


    Healing hasn’t been the best, ended up having an infection & the skin over granulating but over 6 weeks now and I’m finally getting there ?
    Ahh I get you, I’ve just googled it and it says that it can take up too 6 months for internal stitches to dissolve if your body hasn’t already done so, so they will disappear but just at your own bodies rate. Pain for you but they will go eventually xx

    Charlotte 1

    Ooh no! Glad you’re finally getting there though ?.
    Ah thank you so much!! I didn’t even think to have a look on google ???‍♀️ Xx

    Mum1 7

    Hi Charlotte
    I had an uplift, 280cc and fat transfer in September. (Not Mya). I had a few stitches that took a while to dissolve. 3 of them developed stitch abscesses and when they burst the stitch just disappeared . The last one was just a couple of weeeks ago, I went to the nurse who called my surgeon as the skin surrounding my nipple was going red. My surgeon said the stitches can take 6 months to fully dissolve. She gave me antibiotics as a precaution and the stitch came to the surface within a couple of days as an abscess and then burst. Thankfully it looks like all my stitches have gone now and I’m so happy with how they have healed. Basically took 6 months but they have all dissolved now, so don’t worry, your body will reject them if they don’t dissolve on their own. You just have to be patient

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