Swelling bigger than fluff and drop? Started by: Laura

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  • Laura 143

    From people who have already had the whole fluff and drop, would you say they are bigger now than they was in the first week when they was swollen or did they go smaller after fluff and drop to what they was?? Just curious. I used to wear either a 32c or a 34b so i wasnt sure which bands to get for after surgery. Anyway i got both 34 and 36 but the 36 feels better filling out a DD happy days lol i hope they dont go down too much?? If anything i hope they get bigger with fluff and drop. Think boob greed just kicked in haha xx

    Lauren 31

    I found mine basically stayed the same size but just got a better shape and more defined. I couldn’t fit in a 32 back straight after op because of swelling but after about 4 days it fit fine and I’m still in that now 5 months later lol I would say you just get used to them and that’s why we think there smaller and that’s when we get boob greed, because we want bigger lol xxx

    Laura 143

    I just dont want to lose any size lol but cant wait for them to soften up xx

    Lauren 31

    If anything they get slightly bigger but I wouldn’t say they lose size. Everyone is different so if 1 person swells more than another then they will notice a bigger difference if that makes sense. They are so much better once they soften up a bit! Xxx

    sabrina 92

    I was 32a/b I’m now 34 DD/E x 7 months x

    Laura 143

    Thankyou lauren, hopefully not then 🙂

    Sabrina i meant it as in like now im only 4pdo so i have alot of swelling at the min so i just wondered if i was going to have them go down alot or if the fluff an drop will make them up to be more than the swelling was if that makes sence xx

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