tummy tuck… newcastle clinic Started by: Julie

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  • Julie 40

    hey ladies I’m looking to get a mummy makeover and was wondering what surgeon i should go for? also looking for advice 🙂
    has anyone had a mini tummy tuck? x

    Jemma Earey 16

    I had a full tummy tuck with max marcellino and would most definitely recommend him. I had mine done at the London Fitzroy and the nurses were amazing. Overall Mya are great, The only negative I could say would be the communication from the consultants could be better, their very slow and you have to chase them a lot. Good luck!!

    Julie 40

    thanks Jemma .Thats good to know. I wonder if he does the newcastle clinic. I am glad I’m going with may is there is a lot of great reviews about them xx
    I’ve added you. hope you don’t mind

    Danielle 2

    Hi Julie did you go ahead with the tuck? I am booked in 3 weeks with Gary Traynor. I am so scared x

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