Uplift with implants Started by: Claire

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  • Claire

    Hi everyone. I’m due to go and see my surgeon on the 14th May. I have always had very large breasts but since I have lost 3 1/2 stone they have gone small and really saggy. I’m going for an uplift with implants. I’m wanting them BIG. Has anyone been told they can only have a smaller size if they have an uplift as well? I don’t want to just have an uplift and stay the same size. I’m just wanting to know what I should expect when I go to see the surgeon. Thanks in advance


    Hey! You will be given a range of sizes to try on with your consultant to see what best suits you and choose a size you like. My surgeon (Mr Mounir) Recommended a size range for me from 275-375cc’s. Ended up going for 375’s as I was quite small anyway. You can choose what size you want though, your surgeon will just recommend a range for you to choose from. Hope this helps 🙂


    Been today and I can’t have implants only an uplift. I am happy and unhappy at the same time because I know I will loose a cup size even though I wanted to go bigger but I will be happy because they will be firmer and pert.

    J b 1

    How come you couldn’t have implants? X

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