1 day post op questions Started by: Sophie

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  • Sophie 1

    My surgeon didn’t tell me I had to wear a breast band for 6 weeks until yday when it was on? It’s so painful and stopping me breathing, do they cause real problems if you don’t wear one? And the nurse told me not to use ice packs for some reason? Anyone else been told this? X

    keeno 18

    @sophie, firstly congratulations!
    I had the breast bad on aswell and hated it, so uncomfortable, I couldn’t breath and it was just a pain.
    I didn’t wear mine properly and im now 4 weeks PO – I wore mine to bed after day 5 only and I my implants have stared to drop now… as far as ice pack are concerned they saved my life!! well they help soooo much with the swelling and pain so call the nurse up and ask why you were told this… you cannot use heat pads. im sure you can use ice packs from day 1.
    good luck xxxx

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