1 week post op – 325cc MP, unders with Max Marcillino – I hope it's worth it!! Started by: Alice

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  • Alice 1

    Hey girls,

    Tomorrow will be one week since my op and I wanted to share my experience with you so far!

    I went in at 9am last week and had my op at 11:30am with Max Marcellino, I went for a 325 moderate plus under the muscle. I’m about a 30/32B and wanted to be a small D. I’m 5″2 and about 8.5 stone – I didn’t want anything huge, and natural looking was the priority and no huge gap for a cleavage.

    I wasn’t expecting the recovery to be easy, and my pain threshold is really good – but nothing could have prepared me for the pain that’s followed 🙁 It’s been really, really hard. I had morphine, tramdadol, cocoadmol and paracetamol after the op and nothing was kicking in. I was a day patient, but Max and the nurses wanted to keep me in overnight to monitor the pain.

    I travelled home the next day in a cab, and cried the whole way because of the pain was so bad. I think I cried every day until two days ago, what a wimp. The pain relief didn’t work at all for me unfortunately 🙁 The searing, shooting pains are like nothing I have ever experienced.

    Everyone reacts differently to the anaesthetic and the pain relief though, three of my friends had no pain at all – luck of the draw on how your body deals with it.

    I get my stitches out tomorrow, and will be able to see my new look for the first time – super nervous, I really hope the pain has been worth it.

    I will share photos when I can finally lift my arm to take one!!

    A xx

    Lyndsey 42

    So sorry you’ve had such a hard time of it 🙁 hope it gets better. I feel like I’ve been an extremely lucky one as had barely any pain (went for a meal that night of my op) and I’m usually a bit of a wimp!

    Hope it gets better soon sweetheart and you love your results x

    Emma 14

    hey hun , i have my op 1 week today . I’m feeling excited and nervous ! so sorry to hear your in lots of pain. i don’t want big boobs either an I’m having 350cc under . are you pleased with your size what u can see so far ? xx

    Kelly 20

    @aclm89 Hi Alice, your poor thing sorry youve had a hard time.

    We have very similar stats.. 5ft 2 and 8.5 stone. I am having 300cc unders in two weeks and I am really scared about recovery. Hopefully the medications works a little better for me.

    Good luck for tomorrow, it will all be worth it once you see them properly!! Cant wait to see your piccys xx

    Carmen 35

    hope you are recovering well! i have dr marcellino on 1st feb – scared but excited! quite worried about the strapping, is it super uncomfortable? x


    I have dr marcellino on the 1st of Feb too! I’m so nervous and excited x

    Jenn 3

    I have Max and an going for the same CC as you are you able to show me what yours are like yet?

    Josie 13

    Hope you’re feeling better x

    Sherrie 9

    Hi Alice…
    How are you getting on? Are you any better ?

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