2 weeks P/O 350 overs, when do they start to feel like normal boobs? Started by: Anonymous

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  • Anonymous

    Hi Girls
    I thought I would just update you on how my healing is going. Some of you are about to have operations and some of you have only just had your operations, so maybe you are looking to see how others are healing who are a bit further ahead of you.
    I am 2 weeks post op today and it has been a long 2 weeks lol. Initially for the first couple of days my boobs were completely numb, but it wasn’t as bad as I thought, the pain was nothing I couldn’t handle. My boobs just felt really strange, I loved the size of them straight away though.
    By day 4/5/6 I felt terrible. I had really severe bruising, so bad I thought my ribs were broken and by boobs felt terrible, really massive, swollen, heavy, skin felt stretched and i felt like they were going to drop off. I was really worried that I had made a big mistake having them done.
    I felt a lot better by day 8, the swelling started to go and I felt some sensation coming back into them, they slowly starting to feel more like a part of my body.
    Its now day 14 and I feel loads better. All the swelling and bruising has gone, scars are healing really well. Boobs feel completely comfortable when I am wearing my bra, I forget that I have had them done.
    Without my bra I still feel strange, they look so big and they are heavy (compared with my old boobies), i don’t like bending forward to pick things up, it just feels weird and I want them to stay as still as possible for 6 weeks lol. They feel very delicate, like I have to be very careful with them.
    Other issues at the moment is nerve damage. My skin feels very tingly, pins and needles and like sunburn. My nipples are also very sensitive. It’s not agony thank God, but not nice I can cope with it if it is a temporary thing.
    I had a slight asymmetry before my op so Dr Traynor put a 350 implant in my left breast and 375 one in my right (smaller) breast. My lefty is healing the quickest and looks like it has already dropped into place, righty is feeling tighter and more stretched, it looks like she needs to drop to match lefty. It’s not massively noticeable, but I can tell. Size wise though Dr Traynor made a great choice because they do look the same size.

    fFnally if there are any girls reading this who are further down the recovery path than me, please would you let us know when your boobies began to feel like they were feeling back to normal on the inside.
    On photo’s the breasts look great, they can look so natural and back to normal, but that doesn’t mean they feel normal. When does all the numbness, tingeling and sensitivity stop and they just feel like normal boobs again, does that ever happen I wonder?
    Please share your experiences 🙂 Thankyou xx

    PS I have added some pictures of my worse bruising and todays pictures including scars so you can see how quickly everything starts to change.

    good luck with everyones healing xx


    Results look really good! I’m researching at the moment – can you tell me which surgeon you were with and how much it cost please?

    Nicola 20

    Hi Becki .. They are looking fab ! I had mine done a wk tomorow had the strapping off today and I’m feeling pretty good to be fair ..
    I had the same as you 350 and 375 moderate plus implants … I’ve had near to nothing pain wise and I have started to feel some feeling at the tops of them now .. Even though there is still such a long way to go .
    I’m loving them .. Even Better today now I can see them them ha ..
    Will try and upload pics of my journey so far xx

    Nicola 20

    Why is it so difficult to upload pics on here ?

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    Nicola 20


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    Nicola 20

    3 days po

    Jessica 105

    Loved this update! Glad to see your doing good, results look fab! I totally agree about boobs not being in a bra they just feel so big don’t they xx


    @nicolala You are doing really well for 1 week post op with no real pain. You must have been so excited today to finally see your boobies. Its such a strange feeling looking in the mirror and seeing big boobs @jessy6067 do yours feel really big too. I have to say I am really happy with the shape and size and I am very grateful that I am healing well (I hope) its just the weird sensitivity that is driving me a bit crazy now. I can’t wait for them to feel normal ( I’m not a patient patient lol) Jessica I hope you are happy with yours hun xx

    Jessica 105

    Yeah I’m over the moon so far. I am happy with the size, I just feel like when I don’t have this sports bra on they feel so big. Kind of think it’s cause they not being as squished down and they don’t feel like mine yet. I think I’m starting to get this weird tingly sensation starting now aswell. Got my one week check up tomorrow, intrigued to see what the incisions are like xx


    @lazfa hi Lafza My surgeon was Dr Traynor, he is excellent I would deffo recommend him. We are not allowed to discuss prices on here I think


    Jess you are doing so well, especially as you’ve had partials. let us know how you get on tomorrow. Some girls are allowed to shower after 1 week 😉 I couldn’t, but I think if your scars are healing well then they might give you the thumbs up. So glad everything is okay, apparantly tingeling is better than numbness because it means your nerves are starting to heal.
    mine is not agony or anything, its just irritting, but nipples are very sensitives

    Danielle 117

    Looking amazing Becki! They look so natural already! I’m a month post op today and id say this week they’ve started to feel like there part of me,like I’m not aware of them if that makes sense? I get the same feeling bending over it’s horrible lol and underneath is still a bit numb and my nipples are super sensitive but I’m quite glad of that because at least I’ve got feeling in them! Mr Traynor is amazingly neat with his incisions yours are just like mine, totally in the crease and can only see them when I put my arms up! Xx

    Gerda 91

    Becki they look amazing and natural you must be so happy 😀 I’m already getting used to mine lol but still numb underneath especially in a hot shower it’s weird I don’t feel the water hitting them but it’s improving. Nipples are super sensitive but like Danielle said at least we know there’s still feeling left in them so it’s a good sign in a way I suppose.
    I’m happy you’re feeling much better and the bruises are going finally. Xxx

    HappyFace 9

    Hi becki! Considering your op was the day before mine I’m worried about how amazing yours look compared to mine!! Mine are still no high and cone shape but the surgeon did have a rough time getting mine in as unders so I keep telling myself that’s why!
    I’m so glad you mentioned the sunburn thing as I have been scouring the internet. I was talking to my parter about this at the weekend ! I’ve been putting bio oil on (it helps a lot as the skin is both stretching and dehydrated. Do not want stretch marks!! ;(

    HappyFace 9

    Still so high*


    thanks for all your nice comments and I am glad I am not the only one feeling a bit numb and sensitive. Its driving my hubby mad, I’m like you can look, but not touch ESPECIALLY not the nipple loool.
    I went for my 2 week check up today and everything fine and healing well so far. sensitivity is normal.

    i think in the recovery there can be a big difference in unders to overs. yours will take time to drop down into the pocket, so the shape will look different to mine. Deffo try not to worry, if your scars are healing thats a really good start and nerves are coming back that means they are recovering.
    happy healing to you all xx

    Casey Murrell 44

    Hiya! I’m 3 weeks and 1 day post op and they honestly feel like my own. They are squishy and have dropped really well! My right nipple and under near my incisions are still numb but I think that can last a few months xx


    Thanks Casey, yes i remember you were a week ahead of me, I’m so glad to hear the numbness and tingling is normal. Its definitley improving each day. I think wearing a tight bra 24/7 doesn’t help, but its necessary so have to do it. I found the recovery from week 1 -2 was really amazing, week 1 I was really stressed, by week 2 I am chilled and deffo liking the new boobies.

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