2weeks post op. blood leaking?? Started by: ayshababy

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  • ayshababy 5

    My scars are in different places so the one above the crease is healing fine but the other side is in the crease (where it should be) BUT im having to keep dressing on it or itd rub on my bra (changing it and cleaning it daily)
    Everytime i change my dressing theres blood on it not alot atall just like ‘spotting’
    Wtf 🙁 so i duno if i should not get it wet? Or wat?! X

    charlie1 -3

    Hey, I’d maybe ring nurse and ask them cos last thing u want is an infection. Wer ur scars in different places before? I’ve got one in crease n 1 further up but it’s cos after my first ba one of the implants dropped more causing my crease to move :/
    If u can I’d make ur bra looser around ur back so it has a gap where ur ribs are and tighten the straps on ur shoulders so it holds ur boobs up but without touching ur scars. This is wot the nurse told me to do and it worked.
    Good luck 🙂 xx

    sophiemarie -4

    Keep it clean and dry. If u clean it lau on ur bed so he boob goes off of the scar and allow air to get to it and dry it naturally.
    If u not duin nefin do this just get air to it as much as poss and leave dressing off.
    This is what I tell women who have the same with their c-section scars.

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