3 weeks post op clear liquid coming from inscission Started by: cassieanne

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    had probs with bra rub that caused irritation on scar put a dry dressing on notice a little yellow scar now a clear liquid coming from inscission its not smelly and not sore but had to change dressing a few times yesterday thought it might be seroma any ideas girls ?????

    Cass xXx

    C 5

    Hey Cassieanne – I would contact your nurse immediately. If there is an infection of some sort tiing is key – good luck hun xx

    candybabey 3

    If it’s constantly loads you’ll have to call the nurse hun, Seroma and swelling can be hard to tell but if one is more swelled then the other and has straw colour fluid then it’s better get this checked hopefully it’s nothing x


    Called nurse waiting for them to get back to me its just a clear liquid (very slightly red) not sticky and not smelly like an infection and not sore


    C 5

    Good good – let us know what they say wont you – when it comes to health I’m such an overthinker and over worrier i know I’ll drive my nurses MENTAL lol!! Hoping everythings fine babe xxx


    It could be a very minor infection, a seroma wouldn’t usually have the yellow on the scaring. I hope it gets sorted hun x


    They told me to come it and get it checked out on Monday if it gets any worse gonna pop in and see my gp and see if antibiotics needed as I have a 300 mile round trip and if it only needs antibiotics then my GP can handle it

    Cass xXx


    Good luck getting it sorted x


    Update good news kinda….seams I have a scar infection … was at GP … and have be reassured so now ive been told to wear my dressing checking it daily and been given a weeks dose of antibiotics amazing what bra rub can do … motto of story don’t if there is irritation put a dressing back on to prevent damage to scar or scab area

    Cass xXX


    Glad you got it sorted hun, catching it early is the main thing so you’ll be back to normal in no time x


    Antibiotics thank god for em liquid has more or less stopped scar looks a lot less red and only been on antibiotics 1 1/2 day well pleased thanks to all who pmed me and reassured me


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