4 days post op new PICS ! Started by: stacey

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  • stacey

    Hey girlys , well im feeling loads better last 2 days wouldnt say n e of it has been hell or over painful first 2 days I struggled to get outta bed n that but last 2 days ive been home with my very active 3 year old n im ok obvi not as active with him as normal n trying to take it easy but im ok stopped my pain killers yesterday as was fed up with feeling sick n dizzy I get odd pains hear and there but its really not been to bad for me I had 460 cc cui overs with singh I asked for them to look fake ( not like to balls ob my chest) but so I wouldnt have to buy a push up bra and could just wear nor al bras there not as fake looking as I wanted them but I am only day 4 post op n to be honest im happy as anything was better than what I had !!


    I did remove all my starpping aftrr 24 hours as was way to tight but had my macom on and macom r great but my good its great to take it off for an hour in tge evening !!! Please please tell me 6 weeks go quick I want a normal bra u can c my nipples in white tops with my macom on :/ ! And its my birthday on the 16th n dont wana wear my macom out lol but check out my pics xxx


    your looks amazing Stacey you must be so so happy! what size did you go for and did you hav unders or overs? xxx

    Hayley -1

    Looking fab Hun 🙂 x


    I had 460cc cui overs 🙂 and im happy just cant wait for them to settle x


    They look amazing hun you must be so pleased


    Yes just dont want them to drop loads and look completly natural n id be happy 🙂 xx

    Sarah -2

    Hey hope you don’t mind the add Stacey! Am getting pretty much the same size as you, and would love to see what the extra high profile looks like! Dr traynor hasn’t said what profile I’m getting yet and I keep forgetting to ask! Is that weird? Did you all ask or get told what profile you were getting? I don’t even know what’s best! Any advice? Xxxxx

    A30 1

    Looking good Stacey. Xx


    You look great Stacey!

    Whitney 1

    Stacey there looking really fab!! Sarah I had mine done today with Mr traynor n didn’t know what profile iv actually ha I.just completely trusted him im very happy so far xx

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