420cc will they be big enough ?! Started by: Charlotte

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    I’m booked in for my surgery in a weeks time for 420cc HP unders, i currently have 300cc moderates that I’ve had in for nearly 13 years but would like to be bigger without looking ridiculous !
    I’m 5 ‘8″ and a size 8-10. Anyone with similar stats got any pics they can share with me to put my mind at rest ?! Xx

    Lau 3

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    I had 425cc I’m about 5.5 size 10 x this is 2 weeks post op

    Lau 3


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    em2010 17

    They should be fine, it’s an extra cup size.

    If you’re feeling like you want them a little bigger then go for it, anything much less, you might not notice a difference.


    Thank you ladies , Lau yours look amazing if they look like that I will be more then happy !

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