6 Weeks PO – Bra's Started by: Gemma

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  • Gemma 4

    Hey girls, on Wednesday I will be 6 weeks post op! I was just wondering whether you went straight to underwired bras or whether you eased into it with out an underwired bra to start off with? I don’t want to cause any damage to my incisions! X

    Nikki 38

    I’m also 6 weeks on Wednesday. I had my check up Saturday and my nurse said under wire is fine. I didn’t think it was but she said there’s no reason not to wear one. I’m wearing a plunge underwired bra from Ann summers and its actually really comfortable. Doesn’t bother my incisions at all which I thought it would xx

    Gemma 4

    Thank you Nikki! Are you still sleeping on your back? X

    Harriet 88

    you’re allowed to sleep on your side from 6 weeks gemma 🙂 I asked my nurse. I’m just over 4 weeks now and tis back sleeping is driving me insane x

    Jade 19

    After my six week check up, I went straight to Victoria’s Secret and brought underwired bras! It hasn’t irritated me at all. I do still wear my Macom to work though just for extra support as my job is quite strenuous and I just find it more comfortable. I’m sleeping on my back, side and front – literally all over the place which is fine after your six week check up. X

    Gemma 4

    Thank you girls! I think I’ve just been being over cautious! X

    Jess 146

    Primark have loads of super comfortable lace bralet type bras. I bought a few the other day, they’re supportive and really comfy! I do have an underwired one from New Look as well which I’ve worn a couple of times 🙂 xx

    Bassett28 122

    I went straight into underwired bras after my 4 week check. But still now at nearly 12 wks PO wear a sports bra to bed. X

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