6 weeks post op not sure how I feel 😞 Started by: Sarah

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  • Sarah 3

    I’m 6 weeks post op today I never thought this day would come! I thought if feel a lot different!
    I’ve been concerned about my left boob for awhile seems like I have a lot of bottom boob and nothing on top which I did ask and say I wanted more fullness at the top of my breasts. I have a big gap and was told if only achieve cleavage with a push up bra which I’m fine with but my left boob just dosent feel right they look so different and feel different! My incision on my left boob is at least and inch up my boob and not in the crease!
    My left boob is really upsetting me I hate looking at it! Please someone tell me they could still change?? I just can’t see how an implant could move up? I’ve been told by my PC and nurse that it all sounds normal but I’m just not sure 😞 I’ve attached a pic x

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    Rosy 35

    Hey, I haven’t had my surgery yet I’m booked in 3 weeks but I know from the many other girls I’ve followed on here that they were completely different at 6 weeks to 3/4 months!! Honestly add some of the girls who are 5+ months and look through progress pictures the change is actually shocking! Don’t worry you will probably find they move together as they soften and your scars will fade and your skin will relax back down ! Keep positive honestly Hun 6 weeks is just to have healed not to be the finished result !!

    And I think you look great for only 6 weeks!! Xxx

    Monica 23

    I have similar problem. My left boob does not want to drop so the incision is more visible. And I also think that it does not feel right in comparison to the right one. . At my 6 week check up nurse said they both are absolutely fine and eventually they will feel the same. I am 75 days PO and really changes since last check up…I think I will give the a call next week as my surgeon check up is in the middle of Agust

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