7 weeks post op Started by: Logansrunner

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    Hi ladies, I’m 7 weeks post op and my right is still quite a bit higher and firmer than my left. Has anyone else got/had this and it’s settled down. Starting to worry a little bit. I also had to have different sizes and its the boob with the bigger implant. It’s always been a bit behind the left in the healing as it took a bit of a battering in the op.



    Heyyyy, I’m 5 and half weeks post op, my right has completely dropped, and my left is still really high and swollen. Was hoping it would catch up soon 🙁 xxx

    Kelly R

    hia I’m 8 weeks post op n my right is still slightly higher. I have no fullness underneath either so really hope they change! xxx


    Hiya how’s your recovery been? Can’t believe it was 7 weeks ago for us already! Mine have evened out and I think they have ‘fluffed’ and softened too. When are you seeing dr Traynor? Maybe see if you can get in with him soon if it’s making you worry xx


    Thanks ladies, hopefully yours will settle down soon too.

    Madeleine, I can’t believe it either it’s gone so fast. I’m not overly worried as it has all ways been behind my left but starting to worry a little. I’m seeing Dr Traynor on the 5th June so not to far away. I spoke to my PC earlier and could have got in on thurs but we are away tues- thurs and won’t be back in time. I’m sure it’s still just catching up.

    My recovery has been good apart from my naughty right thanks. I’m hoping mine have fluffed as I’m measuring and F now and really don’t want to be any bigger lol. How about you? When is your appointment with him?


    My recovery has been ok was fine after week 4. I got measured an e/f and was really pleased. I still have one slightly bigger than the other but I don’t notice it really. I’m seeing dr Traynor next Tuesday as I’m away on holiday at 12 weeks so I hope he says everything is fine! Xx


    I have this problem, my right is higher than my left also 7 weeks post op. did you have overs? I have had partials and my left looks bigger. Xx

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