7:30 admission on 15th. Bag of nerves!! Started by: Holly-Louise

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    Just got my admission time for 7:30 Monday morning. Have been fine up until now but now I am a bag of nerves. Can’t help feeling this is such a big step and so nervous I’ve picked wrong sizes or the size difference in my implants is too big. Arghh!!! xxxx

    Misfion 3

    Aww good luck!! I’m sure you have made the right choices, everyone I think has this feeling. I absolutely did!! The weekend will fly by 🙂 Don’t be nervous sweetie, start getting super excited 🙂 xxx

    ash26 -3

    I feel exactly the same!! i have my op next friday. and worried about sizes also. the thing that i am worried about the most is that i dont wake up from the GA :S


    It’s just because I’m having 2 different sizes and so paranoid that one is going to be massively bigger than the other. I don’t want them to be worse than they are now. Arghh 🙁 The GA isn’t worrying me so much, to be honest haven’t even thought about it! Lol xxxx

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