9 days post op question Started by: Mez

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  • Mez -2

    Just a bit worried that my left boob is higher than my right,is it because my left has dropped? My right I can feel so much more than my left as well 🙁 is it normal? My bra is irritating my stitches as well underneath not feeling good atm! X


    Hi hun if your left is higher then most likely your right has dropped. They class it as seperate ops so they will heal at different times dont worry about that 9 days isnt a long times theres alot of changes going to happen especially in the first 6 weeks
    As for the bra irritating your stitches i went through that too i went to m&s and got their post surgery bra it sits alot lower then other bras so doing rest on your incisions and they are really supportive and comfy hope it gets better soon x

    Mez -2

    Hello thank for reply I’m just being a worrier as I don’t want anything to go wrong lol I heard they dropped but weren’t sure if it was to soon? I’m going to go bra shopping tomorrow I think as having my strapping off has made mine not fit properly! X

    Hannah 1

    MY left was higher and more swollen until these last few days its only just got better and caught up with my right! I’m 14 days PO now xxx

    Mez -2

    That makes me feel better knowing I’m not the only one! I can feel my left so much more than my right atm and its slightly bigger and higher, it’s odd but I guess if they treat them separately it make sense, just hope it sorts itself out soon so I match x


    Mine still haven’t properly dropped and I’m nearly two months…don’t worry!xx


    I’m 3 weeks post op and my left is higher and stiffer than my right and I have more problems with the left, it hurts if I put my arm in a certain position but right ones fine! Strange xx

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